Tuesday, December 5, 2017

October November 2017

Ibeyi - I Wanna Be Like You

Devo:  Twin Cuban/French daughters of a guy that was in Buena Vista Social Club. Whole album is solid and this one's a cut above.

Manchester Orchestra - The Gold

Adrien Brody:  Fall is here, bundle up with new-ish tracks from familiar names.

Guts - And The Living Is Easy

Meat MD:  Quick banger for your Thanksgiving holiday to ignore your family to.

Son Little - The Middle

Joe Con:  LCD on Tuesday.  We came, we saw, we danced ourselves clean, we bought two carafes of white wine (possibly a sign concert-going in your mid-30s?), we conquered.

There was a moment toward the end of the show when James Murphy said something to the effect of, "So we're going to play a couple more songs, and then we're going to leave the stage for a minute. It's going to look like the show is over, but we're really just going to take a piss and catch our breath, so don't leave. Then we'll come back and play a few more songs."

I've always kind of hated the idea of encores because bands play them even if the crowd doesn't earn them, so they kind of lose any magic/surprise that they may have once had.

Anyway, Murphy started his career by opining that he was "losing his edge," and now he's cracking dad jokes on stage and brazenly proving that he's completely lost it. I can't figure out whether his self-awareness is to be commended or not.  

Zero 7 - Don't Call It Love

Timmy:  I fucking dig that we have a gray-haired, beer-bellied, dad-ish frontman making music that such a broad age range relates to and enjoys.

Also loved watching Pooh, despite trying pretty damn hard to be careful, wreck some chick’s body while returning to the dance zone, full carafe in hand.