Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Public Service Announcement

Last month, the Prig got the chance to see The Smashing Pumpkins in concert (well, Billy Corgan). The Prig considers them a greatly under-appreciated band, whose double album Mellon Collie & the Infinite Sadness pretty much legitimized "Grunge" in an artistic sense. We can argue about this later.

As you'd imagine, I was having a good time rocking out to the appropriate Prig approved SP tunes (no, not this).

As this song hit, Billy was really shredding. Yet while I should have been seeing this,

all I could see was this:




Listen, I pay good money to see my favorite (and not so favorite) artists. I want to see the f'ing show. I don't want to see it through that little screen on your Apple branded device.

And seriously, what are you going to do with that fucking video? Post it on Youtube? Well, it usually sounds like shit. And you know what? That asshole listening online didn't pay to see the show - you did. If there is some awesome moment happening, why stare into that small ass screen for someone else's benefit? Are you really gonna watch that video ever again? You need to focus on the show bro, not on uploading a blurry picture for your Facebook status.

No one gives a shit. The band you're seeing probably sucks anyways.

Please, for Prig's sake, put down the fucking phone.

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